Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Crazy Paper Wig

The other day my 5 year old asked what a wig was when he came across the word in his phonics book. As I was explaining it he got excited and asked if we could make one!
My heart swelled...YES child, lets get creative and make a wig!
I love how he is interested in something and thinks, "lets make one!".  Just a proud craft momma moment!

Here is what we created with a few supplies we had on hand.

I had Eli carefully cut the construction paper into strips. Bonus, this project doubled as paper cutting practice and improving fine motor skills. I love finding ways to work learning into play.

We used two pipe cleaners twisted together to make a circle for the base of our paper wig.

Then we tried to glue a strip of paper around the pipe cleaner…..

That didn't work well, so we decided tape would be faster and hold up longer.

We taped two thick strips of paper to the circle pipe cleaner like this….

Then weaved one more strip of paper from the other end like this…

Our finished base for the wig.

Next we folded paper over to make these fun springs and wrapped paper strips around a pencil to make swirls.

Then we taped the folded and swirled paper on the base and they were done! There you go, a crazy paper wig inspired by a 5 year old. Goofy faces and all!

Ignore the barrel of tall weeds and grass! Ha That was a failed attempt at growing some herbs this Spring. I think all the rain we got drowned them. Now the weeds and grass have gone wild on me! In the HOT Arkansas summer heat, pulling the weeds are far from my immediate To Do list.

Do you have little ones in the house that have creative ideas? Have fun and roll with it, it will make their day! 

Let me know what you and your little ones have been up to. I'd love to see!

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